Monday, July 4, 2011

Our 4th of July weekend.....

The boys started out Sunday afternoon swimming in the little pool.

And running through the sprinkler.

Then we headed to Uncle Lon and Ditty's to grill out and do some fireworks. These goofballs were doing who knows what in the bathroom and Logie caught it on camera.

"Smile Brother, act like you love me!"

Silly faces!Pax always has to be right in the middle of everything, seeing what's going on, and the fireworks and smoke bombs were no different. His big brother on the other hand, watched from a safe distance.

Can't get much closer than walking through the smoke!

Today we spent the afternoon at Sleepy Eye waterpark and the boys had a GREAT time! Paxton would live in the water. He loves every minute and gets so mad whenever someone helps him. He doesn't care if he goes under one bit! He loved jumping in to Daddy!

And going down the big water slide with Mommy! He would smile and giggle the entire way down, looking back up at me to check if I was having just as much fun.

Grandma and Hudsy coming down the big slide!! Smiles don't get any bigger!

And cooling off in the shade with an orange push-up.

And orange melty, messy push-up!

We had a fun weekend! Happy 4th everyone!

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