Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This family had a HUGE celebration....a POTTY PARTY!! Our young man FINALLY went potty on the toilet! After almost a year of trying (on and off), with a frustrating boy that has a mind of his own, a mind that over analyzes everything, he finally gave in!! His first success was at daycare and we can't thank Shell enough! And as silly as it sounds, all of this warranted our celebration! Family came over, gifts were given, we had balloons and cupcakes, even wine for the adults and kid wine for Hudson! Because this was not only a celebration for Hudson, but also for the Mommy and Daddy that have tried everything to get him to go (something that brought this Mommy to tears more than once), and for a Grandma that gained more gray hairs from the training process, and for aunts that promised Hudson nothing short of the world if he would JUST GO POTTY!

Carson giving Hudsy the present that he brought all on his own. The lei he got at his first day of school, and his Happy Meal toy. How sweet!

Hudsy playing, Paxton in awe.
Ecstatic with his presents from Sheri! CANDY!!! And a book and money, but most importantly CANDY!

Ditty not only brought Hot Wheels, candy, and lip stuff, but she also brought the life of the and kids wine!

Proud hugs from Sheri.


He's filling up his sticker chart and soon will take a trip to the store with Grandma and buy WHATEVER HE WANTS!!!

We are SOOOO proud of you Hudson Alexander! Congratulations on becoming a BIG BOY!


Ryan, Liz Regan and Sidney said...

YEA! Congrats and hopefully it's smooth sailing from here!

Logan Ahlness said...

YAY Hudson!!! I wish I could have been there! Tell him I will have something special for him when I come home this weekend (: See you Saturday!!! Love you guys!