Thursday, March 22, 2012

The last night......

Paxton may be spending his last night in his own room. I say "may" because I'm holding my breath that it works out. That Hudson will welcome Paxton into his room, and that they will SLEEP! They're both very excited for the transition. Hudson even tells me we don't have to move Paxton's crib in because he can just sleep in his bed with him. I think they'll get along, but maybe too well. So tonight I took pictures of what Paxton's room looks like, to always remember the room we brought him home to, and the room he and Hudson grew to love to play in.

And pictures of my baby climbing in to bed as he does every night. More than excited to get to sleep!

Step, by......


And a couple pictures of Hudson's room as it is now. We aren't changing much, other than bringing Paxton's furniture in and rearranging a little.

Soon we'll get started on baby girl's room. I'm so excited about "my vision" of what the room will look like. I love standing in her closet, staring at her clothes. I can't imagine how much I'm going to love standing in her room!

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