Tuesday, November 20, 2012

a bit about the boys

Best Friends
These boys are the best of friends; they play together, have great conversations, and fight a little bit in betweem. Given the choice, Hudsy would always want his little brother with, and Pax would follow him anywhere. They are glued to eachother all day long; driving trucks and tractors, watching movies, running from upstairs to the basement looking for ghosts and witches, or hunting big bucks. They let their imaginations run wild and they do it together. My favorite moments are when they're in their beds, just talking. Sharing a bedroom has built such a special bond. I'm so proud of the relationship they have.
Here's a little bit about Hudson:
-He knows his address and knows to tell someone if he's lost.
-He overthinks every possible scenario and worries about what could happen. Right now he's concerned about our house burning down. There is no reason for this concern, but its just something he thinks about. He knows to run outside as fast as he can, across the street to the church parking lot, and then he has plans to live with Grandma, Sheri, or Ditty.
-He learns alot of things from movies. When I'm surprised by something he knows, he'll tell me he learned it from Wubbzy (which is still his favorite!).
-He can add and subtract like crazy! We practice alot with snacks. I'll tell him he and brother can each have 3 crackers, and he quickly replies with, "then I need 6".
-He knows the days of the week, the order, and what happens in our schedule on each particular day.
-At school, for Thanksgiving, he was asked what he's thankful for and he said money. I asked him why he was thankful for money, and he said, "because I want lots of it so you don't have to work." He has a pretty good concept of money. He understands when toys he wants are too expensive and he knows to pick from the red bins (dollar bins) at Target.
-He has a pretty extensive "naughty word" vocabulary and will call us out if we say one.
-He has genuine concern for other people.
-He's started to ask alot of questions about dying, heaven, Jesus and God. I can't answer all of them. And he's very strict about saying his prayer at night. He can do "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" all by himself.
-He loves having company over, just like his dad.
-He always wants to know details about everything!
-He acts and talks like an adult.
-Grandma is still his favorite person!
Here's a little bit about Paxton:
-He genuinely loves his baby sister, likes to play with her and make her laugh, and only calls her Sister or Sissy.
-He'd watch movies all day long, at full length. And he goes through favorites and watches that same one over and over again.
-He'll tell you he loves you out of the blue.
-He wants to do everything his big brother does and gets so excited when he comes up with an idea that Hudson wants to do.
-If you ask him where his Daddy is, he will always tell you he's hunting for big bucks.
-He handles everything like a champ. If he gets hurt, his tears only last a second. If he's mad, he'll forgive you right away. If he's sick, you'd hardly notice (exact opposite of Hudson).
-He's very polite and will always say please, thank you, and I'm sorry.
-Instead of just answering with "yes" or "yea", he says, "yes I did" or "yes I do", and there's something so cute about that.
-His words are still hard to understand sometimes, but Hudson always knows what he's saying.
-He does not like getting his picture taken and will rarely look directly at the camera. And unlike Hudson, he won't even be bribed into it.
-In the mornings, he'll wait until Hudson wakes up to get out of bed. And sometimes thats a very long time.
-He has this cute, shy smile that would melt anyone's heart. It makes you feel sorry for him even when there's no reason to.
-He's very sensitive and will burst into tears if he's being scolded.
-His favorite person is Mommy, but he'd never want to hurt Daddy's feelings.

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