Thursday, April 11, 2013

eleven months

Harlow is eleven months old- April 8, 2013
Not many pictures of her this month because she won't sit still, and she would rather eat her monthly sticker.
At eleven months old.....
weight: 18 lbs (according to home scale)
height: 29 inches (roughly)
diaper size: size 3
clothes: 9 months (and totally sick of the winter wardrobe)
bottles: could care less, only really wants the morning one (5-6 ozs)
food: anything and everything and a lot of it!
Little things about Harlow......
-she loves to give open mouth kisses, but if she's feeling lazy, she'll just give you a cheek
-knows to throw her do-do (pacifier) in the crib when she wakes up
-she's a beginner walker! she's taken about 10 steps on her own
-she can stand for seconds, and can stand up from a sitting position
-knows how to say "more" in sign language and does it all the time while eating
-not spitting up nearly as much, thank goodness!
-she's starting to play toys (puts balls in, drives trucks, pushes buttons, etc.)
-says "mama" with purpose and melts my heart (and I think she knows it)
-she repeats the word "hot" when I tell her not to touch the bathroom heater
-she puts her hand to her ear like a telephone when someone says hello
-is constantly drooling again! (still 6 teeth)
-she can literally hang her entire body weight by her tiny fingers!
-loves the bumper ties in her crib, first thing she grabs for and rubs them to fall asleep
-points the remote control at the TV
-has a runny nose every day of her life
-claps her hands for patty cake and when we say yea or good job
-weirdest thing she likes is a plastic baggie of markers (no idea why?)
-she does everything she knows she's not supposed to, and she'll give you a look while she's doing it
-been climbing the stairs for months, but can now go down a few too, very slowly
-can be pretty dramatic if she doesn't get her way
-when I show her an animal, she'll say "roar"
-will look when called Harlow, Toots, Sis, Sissy, or Sister
-enjoys playing with other babies her size
-rarely wants to snuggle :(
-still loves daycare
-is still growing a fantastic mullet

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