Friday, March 20, 2015

school volunteering

Every opportunity given by Hudson's school or teacher to volunteer or visit his class, I am there! I helped with lunch duty the first few months of school, I've been a guest reader to the class, always a party or field trip chaperon, eat with Hudson at lunch several times a month, and most recently started teaching my Junior Achievement lessons. To say I love being involved in Hudson's education and school experiences is speaking mildly. Going to his school is always the highlight of my day. Knowing his teachers, his peers and friends, watching him interact, and now actually teaching him, are all moments I cherish. And I have asked Hudson several times if he's okay with me butting in all the time, and he replies with, "If there's ever anything you can come to school for, I want you to always come." YES!!!! So I'm taking advantage while I can.

A couple weeks ago, before the snow quickly melted, the entire Kindergarten class went on a field trip to Flandrau State Park, much like they did in the Fall, and will again in Spring. They look for changes in nature that each season brings.

Each student in Hudson's class got a carrot to hide along the trails for the deer.

Looking at the picture below, what's the first thing that you notice? I'm guessing either the bunny ears given by a kindergarten friend, or the GIANT mark on Hudson's forehead!? He was swinging upside down in the school playground and must have skid his face just perfectly along the rubber matting under the swings. At first we thought it was a bruise, but now noticed it's more of a rug burn, a very smooth, very noticeable burn! On a side but related note: he and I took a trip to the ER this week as well. Him and Paxton were wrestling around (tackling and boxing each other according to Hudson) and Hudson hurt his arm. When I got home and saw his arm was swollen with a visible bump, I flashed back to when Paxton broke his femur and it immediately swelled up, so I thought better safe than sorry and took him to the ER. It turned out fine and was more of a muscle injury than a bone injury, but when we got to the ER and the nurse asked Hudson what happened, he started telling him about his arm, and the nurse interrupted him and said, "Oh you mean you aren't here for your head?" Ha, no, separate incident. It's been a tough week for poor Hudsy. 

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