Monday, February 4, 2013

Sporties 4 Shorties

Hudson participated in Sporties 4 Shorties this winter and loved it!! It was a four week class for four year olds, and every week they tried a different sport. Hudson learned some volleyball skills, how to relay race, hockey skills (where he skated for the first time withOUT the walker!!), and basketball. I learned some things about my little guy; if he puts his mind to doing something he is going to try SO hard to do it right, and he'll be good at it....unless he's not, then he isn't happy with himself. He's a perfectionist already. He didn't "race" in the relay because he did NOT want to drop the ball because to him that meant failure. It took a lot for him to let go of the walker at hockey because he hadn't fallen yet and skating on his own was a risk. But he took the risk because he wanted me to be proud, and that is something else that's very important to him. When we left the last class he asked me, "Mom, do you care if the other kids are good at basketball?" I told him no I didn't, the only thing I cared about was if he liked it and had fun. Hudson is sensitive and easily frustrated, but he is determined. And sometimes all those qualities wrapped into one is difficult for a parent to deal with, but it makes him who he is. I don't care where his talents are or aren't, all I want for him is to be happy and to have fun!! That kid is wise beyond his years and has far too many worries and concerns than one little four year old should have. And man alive, he did have some pretty mad basketball skills! His form was amazing, and he perfected his shot. He was sure he was good enough to play on Hunter's high school team :)

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