Sunday, February 10, 2013

sunday crafts

It was a crafting Sunday and the boys loved it. They begged me to "look on my phone for more things to do". I got these ideas from Pinterest and Hudson just laid my phone next to him and he followed the steps and directions perfectly. And they both impressed me with their cutting skills! We made Valentines puppies and initial paintings. (As you can see, Pax lives in his dragon costume, which his imagination has turned into a flying monkey from the Wizard of Oz now, and DO NOT tell him otherwise!!!)

 Hudson wrote his name on the bottom of his puppy, and I asked Paxton to write a "P" for Pax, he said okay, and wrote a perfect "H". Uh-oh! I think someone is a little confused.
She entertained herself while we worked. Practicing her ballet skills all the way up on those tippy-toes, eating her dolls, and waving that pretty wave.
 I love Sundays!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Packy's little tongue sticking out concentrating so hard.