Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pre-K Open House

Paxton had Preschool Open House last week and was VERY excited to go see "Hudson's school". And Hudson was MORE THAN excited to show him his school. He was the proud big brother, showing his little brother the ropes. Pax has changed a bit and has recently become a shy boy. Like "hide his head in my coat while smiling that shy smile and not talking" kind of shy. The teacher asked if he was Hudson's brother, asked if his name was Paxton, asked him how old he was....and nothing. No response from him other than that shy smile. With all of that said though, he loved it there. The running around and playing with different toys part. But when it came to the activities that were set out, in typical Paxton form, he had no time to sit down and draw/color/cut! And he did not want to leave, so we had to bribe him with a cookie and going to rent a movie. These parents are not above bribery!
I'm not sure this school is ready for BOTH of these Johnson boys! And I know I'm not ready for them BOTH to be in school. How do babies get this old?

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