Friday, March 22, 2013

she's trouble

A few pictures we've been quick enough to take of Harlow, to illustrate just how much trouble she is....

Living on the edge, LITERALLY! She climbed up the stairs (like she does a million times a day) and just held on tight and hung off the edge. And just to note, Jamie was underneath her while I took this picture, arms open to catch a falling baby.
Another one of her favorite daily activites, climbing on top of the diaper caddy to tear down and destroy anything sitting on the table. (Sidenote- is that the cutest butt you've ever seen or what?!?!)
After this kept happening, she now gets strapped in and boy does that tick her off!
She literally tries to climb up and on top of anything and everything!
Jamie was giving Hudson and Paxton a bath when Harlow dove in head first. Downstairs, I could hear a loud thump and then out of control laughter from the boys. Seconds later Jamie brings a sopping wet, crying Harlow down to me. She wasn't crying because she was hurt or scared, but because Daddy took her out! 
So there, just a few days in the life of Harlow and her exhausted parents. She's a handful.


Mommy and/or Daddy Jones said...

Thank goodness for caffeine and bedtime! Ps, where did you get the outfit in the "butt" picture? I love it!

Hudson and Paxton said...

It's a 9 month I believe can have it for Hadley if it'd fit at the right time :)

Hudson and Paxton said...

It's a 9 month I believe can have it for Hadley if it'd fit at the right time :)

Mommy and/or Daddy Jones said...

Thank you! Might be hard to wait that long though so help a mom out will ya? Where did you get it?

Hudson and Paxton said...

Babies R Us, but before Harlow was born so I think you're outta luck. I believe they are Amy Coe brand.