Monday, July 2, 2012


Since we were under a heat advisory today, we thought we'd get outside early this morning before temperatures hit 100 degrees. Even Harlow laid out on the deck in the shade.
 While Hudson drove around (and around, and around, and around) the yard in his new dune buggy, Packy blew bubbles for Harlow to watch.
 This afternoon Maddi and Hunter came over to play. Maddi and Zev bought Hudson an Easy Bake Oven for his birthday (haha!) so they made cupcakes.
 Harlow watched.
 Hunter played "restaurant" with the boys. Packy was taking her order.
 And then they had a tea party. It was so cute. They changed into dressy shirts and Daddy's hats.
 It can be so much fun seeing what these boys come up with. Packy thought banging the drum on his head was hilarious!
And that was our Monday.

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