Thursday, September 27, 2012

Paxton's Day Out

Paxton had a GREAT first day out of his cast!! Ditty came over with presents and a huge Dora cupcake. Nothing better than licking all that frosting off! After lunch we went on a walk. Packy so badly wanted to go to the park, certain he'd be able to swing...and he DID!!! He also played in the leaves, went down the little slide by himself, and the big slide with mommy. It was a good day.
You can tell by the smile!

He didn't want any leaves on Sister and picked off each and every one. He is a very good brother to her! 
 When he started swinging he said, "This is so cool. Hudson is going to be so happy I don't have hard pants anymore." Such a sweetheart.
 Getting brave enough to sit on his own. And check out Sister's shirt....drool much?!?!
 It must feel so good to separate and move his legs apart! And pick at those toes :) His still keeps his left leg (the broken one) pretty straight and still. Mostly just moves it when he's not paying attention.
And he ALMOST stood up! When he realized what he was doing, he gave us that face, and quickly sat back down. He's getting stronger and braver and I have no doubt he'll improve every day. 
After that fun day and supper at Sheri's, we took the boys swimming. Something the doctor said would be very good for Packy. He was able to move his leg a little more, kick a bit, and even took a couple very slow, very cautious steps! I feel like we're doing the basic milestones again and I'm so proud of each and every one! (P.S. That's a tattoo on Hudsy's tummy, not an open wound like the lifeguard thought. Ha!)

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