Saturday, September 8, 2012

This is real life....

Please don't judge me for posting the following video. I had planned on taping a memory for Packy, and unfortunately Harlow decided to scream the whole time, and Hudsy decided to show a little bit of his true colors as well. So a little warning for viewers-- The following contains some screaming, crying, tears, fighting over toys, scolding, and a very messy living room! But the very best thing that this video contains is Packy's smile. My absolute favorite kind there is! So here you go, this is our house, this is real, and it happens often! After you watch the video, I'll make you feel better with pictures of siblings getting along. I promise!
Nice, huh!? If you have it in you to watch it again, please note that Harlow cries pretty much the entire 3 and a half minutes- to all of those who say I spoil her! I did NOT go running to her rescue, Sister worked it out herself! Also note, that when Hudson is looking for his animals, you will see Packy shaking the container that they are in, taunting Hudsy just a bit. And lastly, Hudson's complete irrationality- first crying for his toys then suddenly crying for a sucker. Really?? You can't take this kid too seriously. (And he also dressed himself that day!)
But now to make you feel better.....
 Awe, there's the love! We were all sitting on the couch and Hudson asked me, "Do you think Packy feels okay?", and I told him that I think he does feel good now and it doesn't hurt anymore. And Packy answered too, "No, I don't hurt anymore." Then Hudson said (kind of to himself, but loud enough for us to hear), "I should've just waited to jump." Tears came to my eyes, and even moreso when Packy said, "I would've moved." Ugh. Poor things.
Okay, on to more fun polished black toe nails!  
 Packy loves to be on his tummy, much easier to play toys and drive trucks. And its right at Harlow's level, so they've become buddies and he likes showing her how to play her toys. 
 He definitely loves his sister.
P.S. Harlow is 4 months old today. I took the pictures, post to come.

1 comment:

logan ahlness said...

I have such a perfect godson <3