Monday, September 10, 2012

four months

Harlow is four months old- September 8, 2012

At four months old......
weight:12.5-13 lbs (according to home scale)
length: 24 inches (give or take)
diaper size: size 1
clothes: mostly 0-3 month and 3 month (although bottoms are still big)
bottles: moved up to 5 oz. every 3 hours in the last couple weeks, finishes most of the time
Little things about Harlow.....
-still loves sleeping at night, we put her down awake (in the little crib in our room), swaddled, turn on the rainforest music/light and she falls right to sleep (9/9:30pm-anywhere from 7-10am)
-when she wakes up, she usually watches the TV for awhile, quietly, rarely cries
-rarely naps long during the day, about 30 minutes at a time and usually just falls asleep wherever she is
-in the last week or so she has learned to hold her head up HIGH when laying on her tummy
-rolls around like CRAZY and can scoot herself all over the floor!
-some days she's very spitty, every day she's very drooly!
-apparently has a senstive bottom and needs Pampers diapers and sensitive wipes
-started liking to swing and will often fall asleep
-most family claims she's spoiled, which might be somewhat true, but I certainly don't try
-when being held, she wants to stand (why family thinks she's spoiled)
-still almost completely bald with a long patch in the back (not very attractive)
-has darker eyebrows so just might have darker hair
-still has 2 "stork bites" on the back of her head and neck
-starting to laugh, but she sounds mad when it comes out
-smiles whenever anyone talks to her
-loves looking at herself in the mirror
-always, always, always has her hands in her mouth, full fists
-she's especially loved by big brother Paxton
-I call her Harlow Barlow but I don't want to and don't like it
-but more often than not, she's referred to as "Sister" in this house
-likes her do-do (pacifier)
-you can tell she wants badly to play with toys but has a hard time grabbing and holding onto them
-makes a gurgling sound alot when she's "talking"
-likes her daddy just a little bit more than she used to

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