Mommy and Daddy had planned to take the boys to the Puppet Wagon, but Daddy's good heart caused him to stay back and help our elderly neighbor, so it was single-parent Mommy heading out into the 90 degree heat with 2 toddler boys. We and sweaty, but we survived!
Before the puppets started, we spent some time at the park. Paxton wanted to watch the construction trucks below the hill, so he took a little rest.
" Four eyes"
We somewhat patiently waited for the super late puppets, until we realized they were a no show! How rude! But it was Logie to the rescue!! She told us about the National Night Out at the fairgrounds, so off we went......
Much to Mommy's surprise, Hudsy wanted to jump in the bouncy house with all the much bigger kids. Not something my nervous 3 year old usually does! Both boys enjoyed some bean bags with Logie.
But Hudsy's favorite was the Ring Toss! He had it all figured out. Place the extra rings on his arm, right foot in front, swing 3 times before letting the ring fly! 10 rings for a $ money we spent! He played 5 times....50 rings and $5 later, he finally won!!!
And no one could be more proud of a 2 liter of strawberry flavored pop! He held it like his baby. He was so excited to get home to show Daddy. The only didn't fit in his cup holder.