Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I kindly ask people not to look at the following picture.....

This swimsuit may look familiar to my cousin Sidney because....its her's! Maddi thought it would be SO funny to put it on me. I disagree! And now she has this picture on her phone and tells people its her niece. Don't be fooled!!!! It's me, and I'm a BOY!!! I am so embarrassed. What will she put me through next? I'm never safe.


-The Nordbys said...

This is cruel. Maddi may be giving your SON a complex! But on the bright side, and least if you don't have a daughter- you have Hudson- when Maddi dresses him up!

Ryan, Liz Regan and Sidney said...

I had to do a double take on that one! Poor guy, what will Maddi think of next?