Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tubes are in!

We arrived at the hospital dark and early at 6:40am. Paxton entertained himself in the waiting room by the fire.
Since Daddy had a fishing trip planned, Mommy was single-parenting it today, trying my darndest to hold it together while my baby gets ready for surgery.
All suited up in the pink hospital jammies!
We had about an hour wait so we found whatever we could to pass the time; including playing with the antibacterial foam! And maybe washing our hair with it!

Paxton did a great job! He went right to the nurse without hesitation, leaving Mommy there to cry and pray for 30 minutes while I waited for my baby to be back in my arms. Before I knew it, I heard his cries from behind the operating room doors! Those cries lasted about 20 minutes and we were headed home. The second we stepped outside he smiled and I took a deep breath....we're done! At home he couldn't wait to eat and down some cold milk. I made him a waffle for breakfast....
And then had to make him another one, poor guy was starving......
And then just one more. He had surgery today, he gets whatever he wants! He didn't even stop eating to play!
And after some play time, he zonked out in the middle of the living room for a mid-morning cat nap.