Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Almost 3.....

Hudson had his 3 year check up a little early due to his Mommy being somewhat paranoid about some bumps on his neck, which turned out to be because of those pesky gnats! Thankfully Hudsy still loves his doctor visits and cheered on the way there! Then upon arriving, he announced to the check-in lady that he has owies on his hands from falling when he was at the "owie knife place", and seeing the look on the check-in lady's face, I quickly explained that he calls Hermann the German the "owie knife place" since, afterall, Hermann is holding up an owie knife! He was very talkative, later telling Dr. Frani that Maddi bought him this silly putty egg (which he had with at the doctor), and that Ditty brought him lots of candy, and that Nala pooped on his kitchen floor. Again, Mommy quickly explained that Nala is a dog. Hearing him ramble off story after story, I worry what he's telling people when Mommy isn't around to explain! Anyway....Hudsy is a healthy almost 3 year old boy, weighing 30.5 lbs (35th%) and is 36.5 inches tall (26th%). He had his vision and hearing checked- great in both areas and thoroughly LOVED doing it! He toughed out 2 shots, crying out during, and then doing all he could to hold back and tell the nurse, "It waaaasn't (breath) thaaat (breath) bbbbaaadddddd (big breath!)". He later told me that he didn't really like those shots but he'll still go back to the doctor next time because they were over really quick. I am constantly proud of this kid, and pretty sure my pride beams from my face as I can see the nurses, doctors, strangers we meet, all listen to his articulate, detailed stories, somewhat amazed that all of that is coming out of such a small boy. I LOVE THAT SMALL BOY SO MUCH!!!

1 comment:

jhester said...

The gnats are horrible! My kids have the same thing on their necks from so much time outdoors. Someone told me to go to a pharmacy and ask for vanilla extract. It isn't the kind you use for baking, so you have to ask the pharmacist for it. Apparently it keeps the gnats away!