Tuesday, March 12, 2013

ten months

Harlow is ten months old- March 8, 2013
 These are two things she's learned from Hudson- a fake smile and to talk/yell back when being scolded (for pulling out the night light).

 At ten months old.....
weight: 17 1/2 lbs (according to home scale)
length: 27 1/2 inches (but impossible to measure)
diaper size: size 3
clothes: 9 months, but still some 6 months
bottles: completely varies, the only time she's really intersted is in the morning or when she's tired
food: everything, chews small pieces of real food really well
Little things about Harlow.....
-sleeps whenever you put her in her crib
-gives kisses when asked, with open mouth and sometimes tongue
-thinks she's a monkey and tries climbing everything
-can do "so big!", but usually only uses one arm
-would do anything to play with her brothers
-screams and yells if you don't feed her fast enough
-before she does something naughty, she looks back to see if you're watching
-loves, loves, loves bath time
-hates, hates, hates diaper changes and getting dressed
-gives the squintiest smiles ever
-everyone says she could be Paxton's twin
-loves sitting in high chairs at restaurants
-for some reason, whenever grandma babysits her she cries
-climbs the steps at rapid speeds and escapes supervision often
-loves going to Sheri's house because she can reach decorations and has a hay day
-understands the word no, but usually doesn't listen to it
-bypasses Bella's food/water and goes straight for the toilet bowl
-hair is growing long in the back, but not at all on top
-is so happy in the mornings, can barely open her eyes but already smiling
-likes to go to daycare
-likes to play with the fridge magnets
-loves riding in grocery carts
-figured out how to open the cupboard doors and empties the contents often
-still spits/throws up
-when she gets really excited, she makes a panting noise
-mommy is still her most favorite person
-can walk around furniture and wobbly walks behind push toys
-has stood on her own but only for a few seconds
-copies any noise her brothers make and they all think its funny
-absolutely will not sit still

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