Wednesday, December 23, 2009

18 months old

First round of Christmas presents....done (thank you Ahlness family)! Mommy said I could open some presents early because it was my 18 month birthday! Can you believe I'm a year and a half already? Mommy and Daddy can't! They watched the video of when I was born and couldn't believe how little I was. Get over it guys because baby brother is on his way, and fast!! I was a good boy at the doctor today, even Hunter came with and was proud of me! I'm still a shrimp, weighing in at 24 lbs. 8 ozs. (30%) and am 31 1/4 inches tall (20%). I'm embarrassed to say I've only grown a fourth of an inch since my 15 month check up. I obviously take after Mommy in the height category!


Ryan, Liz Regan and Sidney said...

It's ok Hudson, Sidney will be a shrimp with you! Happy 1/2 year birthday!

Kari Wendinger said...

There's still a good chance he could pass up Thomas. Ha! :)