Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Our baby has arrived!!

Written by Mommy: Introducing the newest addition to our family.......PAXTON HUNTER JOHNSON!!!! Born on December 28, 2009 at 8:01am. He weighs 7 lbs. 11 3/4 ozs. and is 20.5 inches long. He is a spitting image of Hudson when he was born. He's been an angel, barely made a peep. Actually, he's barely opened his eyes, I still don't even know what color they are. He has very dark brown hair; lots in the back, none on top. We've had lots of visitors and we're really enjoying all the company. Making the hospital days go by quick. His Godmother Logan spent the whole day with us, fighting Maddi the "baby hog" for Paxton's attention. Unfortunately Hudson hasn't been able to meet his new brother yet with the visitor restrictions. Sure making it hard on Mommy to be away. Daddy was lucky this morning and was able to spend some time with him, otherwise he's been at daycare and with Grandma, in good hands. Paxton and I are both doing well so we're hoping to be able to go home tomorrow to complete our family of 4. I can't wait to see my boys together!

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