Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Surgery

Hudson: I had surgery today!! I got tubes put in my ears because I've had a lot of ear infections and my ears were still full of fluid. I was such a brave boy though!! Mommy was way more nervous than me. I made it easier on her by being such a big boy! I never cried; not when I had to put my special jammies on, not when we had to wait an hour for the doctor, not when the nurse took me away, not when they gave me medicine to sleep, and not when I woke up and it was all over!! Mommy and Daddy were SOOOO proud of me! Now I'm all better (hopefully) and my stupid ears (as Mommy calls them) will be as good as new! Thank you to everyone who was thinking of me today!

1 comment:

-The Nordbys said...

So glad to hear it all went well. Brody came home from Shell's and said "Hudsy Owie" so they must have been thinking about him there too!