Monday, April 12, 2010

3rd and Final Stop- The CIRCUS!!

The main reason for our trip was the Osman Shrine Cirucs at the MN State Fairgrounds and it was definitely worth it! We all enjoyed it and I think we can agree that the bike riding dancing bears were our favorite! Hudson couldn't get close enough! And he kept saying "Ride it" to the elephants but neither Mommy nor Daddy wanted to get up on that stinky monster with him! And I'm not convinced he would've gone through with it once we got on top! I realized that we'll go broke going to events like this because we'd buy our kids anything they ask for, hence the overpriced light up elephant wand and a huge circus balloon! It's all worth it to see the smile on his face and hear his breath of excitement! We're looking forward to going again when Paxton is old enough to come with us!
P.S. The first picture of Hudson is at the restaurant before the circus. We decided to try out a booster seat instead of a high chair. He was such a well behaved big boy this weekend!

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