Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cereal and Stats

4 months old brings a doctor visit and cereal!! And surprisingly, Paxton LOVED his cereal!!! His sad face was in between bites, I couldn't spoon it in fast enough! Hudson kept saying, "Baby Brother more icky cereal Mommy!" I told him the cereal was icky because he wanted some too.
We also went in for his 4 month well baby check and he is a healthy growing boy! He weighs 14 lbs. 8 ozs (37th%) and is 25 1/4 inches (58th%). In comparison to Hudson at 4 months, Paxton is a little skinnier and a little taller. Since Paxton got a high fever after his last vaccinations, our doctor suggested we separate them out this time, getting one today, and then one every week for the NEXT 3 WEEKS!! I am not excited about it, and if Paxton could talk, I'm sure he'd say he isn't either. He did a great job today though, not even crying for his first shot. The doctor said Paxton must take after his big brother in being so brave and cooperative for her. My boys sure do make me proud! I consider myself a very lucky Mommy.


Ryan, Liz Regan and Sidney said...

Excellent news that he liked cereal! Not sure you remember but Sidney hated it! Very stressful trying to feed that child :)

-The Nordbys said...

Same with Brenley, Liz! She still isn't great with it, but getting better. Its alomst like she can't open her mouth wide enough! Sidney and Brenley seem to have a few things in common, maybe its a girl thing:)