Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Paxton's 1st Haircut

Paxton got his first haircut at 10 1/2 months and it was much needed! Not so much on the top of his head, he's still fairly bald, but the back was growing like crazy and Mommy was calling him an "old man". This little boy is such a busy body, he was turning around every which way trying to figure out just what Aunt Vicky was doing to him. But he did a good job, and even better after getting a sucker! Mommy kept his locks of hair for the baby book. They are a little darker and much curlier than Hudson's.

Big brother Hudson said he'd go first so Baby could watch and see what it's all about. He is still a 2 year old who LOVES getting his mohawk cut!
Doesn't he look so little in that big chair?!?!
This was Hudson's 1st haircut. He was just over 1 year old. And had to have a sucker too!

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