Monday, December 20, 2010

Johnson Christmas

It's tradition every year to go to the Immanuel Lutheran church's Christmas program. Hudson loved hearing his cousins sing, and holding the candle during Silent Night. Paxton ate puffs the whole time! Afterwards, we went to Grandma Sharon's house to open gifts.
Morgan is such a good helper with the boys, especially Paxton.
Daddy showed Hudson all of his tractors from when he was a little boy.
The boys opening presents.
Hudson got a new car, rides it all over the house! Mommy is under the weight limit, so I ride it around the house too! If we had 2, we could race!

Merry Christmas Johnson family!

1 comment:

Ryan, Liz Regan and Sidney said...

Regan and Sidney love their "motorcycle" as they call it :) They go for rides together everyday around and around the house, it's hilarious!!