Thursday, February 3, 2011

All about Pax....

Paxton had an appointment with the ear specialist today. He did SUCH a good job! Mommy was amazed and proud! He never cried once, even when they held him down and put his arms over his head. The final decision is up to us. The doctor said it's likely he'll continue to get ear infections but they haven't done any damage to his ear drums and can be treated. I almost wish the doctors would just make the decision for us, much easier. Mommy took the rest of the afternoon off and spent some time with just Pax! :)

1 comment:

Ryan, Liz Regan and Sidney said...

shoot! I know you were hoping for a clear recommendation from the doctor. good luck on your decision; just remember that sid and hud were infection free for a year with those tubes. i'd call that success!