Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Paxton goes to school....

Paxton had his first session of ECFE tonight and he did GREAT!!! He took no time to warm up and walked right in, smiled at new friends, played toys, and did some crafts. Mommy was SO, SO PROUD!!

Making his Monster face with stickers and crayons.

He was most excited for snack! He looked so little sitting on that chair all by himself (he's the second youngest in the class). I was concerned he'd get sad without Mommy but he never even turned around to look for me.And just like Hudson always was, Paxton was the last child sitting at the snack table. Asking for more, and more, and more!!
My little boy is growing up so fast.


jhester said...

Fun to see you there! Makaylin was super grumpy--I hope she is better next week! :)

Katie and Chris said...

He's so sweet Ash!