Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hudson's Weekend

Hudson was a LuCkY BoY this weekend and got to have lots of special time with just Mommy and Daddy!! We went to the play/musical Madagascar LIVE! at the Orpheum Theatre, then to Nickelodeon Universe, then overnight in a hotel, and the circus today! I'm not sure who had more fun; Hudson or Mom and Dad watching him have the time of his life. He loved everything so much he couldn't quite pick his favorite. He told me to ask him again and again, so he could switch his answer each time saying, "but I really liked the I really liked the, Madagascar was my favorite." On the merry-go-round at Nickelodeon Universe. He had to go on almost every animal so Mom and Dad had to take turns riding around, and around, and around.....

Maddi met us at the hotel and of course, thought of lots of fun things to do, like nylons as hats!!
Logie stayed with us too!! Thanks for being a part of our family!!

This was our 2nd annual circus :) Hudson loves the elephants but proclaims "the elephants stink really, really bad". When I asked if he wanted to ride on one he said, "No way, they'll poop on us!"

We loved every minute of our weekend!!!!!! And we came home to a baby brother that we missed so much! But thanks to Grandma he was well taken care of and loved while we were gone!! (and our house was miraculously cleaned too!!!) Thanks Grandma, we love you and don't know what we'd do without you!

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