Saturday, April 23, 2011

Time out x 2

Both boys got time outs today. It was Paxton's first one. They were jumping on the couch, giggling away. They'd sit when I came into the room, and as soon as I walked out, they'd start jumping again. Little devils! So after several warnings, they were sent to their corners.

I know it probably wasn't an appropriate time to take a picture, but I couldn't resist. I'm sure its the first of many double time outs!


-The Nordbys said...

You really gave them a time out for jumping on the couch?? They'd love it at my house. Chase on the couch is a nightly game!

sheri said...

My poor baby boys,I don't like that picture
auntie sheri

Hudson and Paxton said...

The coffee table is like a death trap! One fall on that thing would be major trouble!