Friday, December 2, 2011

Adding to the Johnsons....

The Johnson family is growing!!! We're expecting our 3rd baby in May 2012. We've been holding this news hostage for awhile now and its great to finally get it out! Hudson is excited and understands that there's a baby in Mommy's tummy. He asks to see my belly every once in awhile, and notices it getting bigger. Paxton doesn't have a clue as to what's going on.

And if that's not enough news to share.......we know it's a GIRL!!!!! I was sneaky and got the ultrasound on my mom's birthday, hoping to surprise her with her first granddaughter! Amazingly it worked out perfect! Below is a picture of her "lady parts". You are looking at it from the bottom up, of her butt and 2 legs going out. The ultrasound technician was sure its a girl, and said he'd owe us $100 if he was wrong....and he's never been wrong!

I'll post more belly pictures, and pictures of the big reveal soon.


jhester said...

Congratulations, Ashley (and Jamie, Hudson, and Paxton too!)! How exciting to be adding another kiddo to the family... especially a girl!

mmeredith5 said...

CONGRATS!!! I've been waiting and waiting for the big announcement! She will be a beautiful little girl!