Thursday, February 9, 2012

mornings with dad

Jamie has been home in the mornings this week, therefore has allowed the boys (and himself!) to sleep in and go to daycare later on. This morning he sent me a picture text, step-by-step of their mornings.....(excuse the less than quality pictures, Jamie still has a flip phone!)

Snuggling in bed together before rising for the day. I was already super jealous at this point!

Breakfast on the couch...a poptart and left over blueberry muffin.
Brushing their teeth.
And walking to daycare.
Hudson told Paxton it was a little slippery so he better hold his hand......insert my heart melting here.
Although this made me miss my boys terribly, man this has been a good week for me! Sleeping in, only getting myself ready in the mornings, having time to shower, getting to work on time if not a few minutes early! Not to mention he's delivering lunch to me at work today. Thank you Dad!

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