Friday, June 8, 2012

one month

Harlow is one month old- June 8, 2012

At one month old....
weight: 9-9.5 lbs (according to home scale)
length: 20.5 inches
diaper size: newborn
clothes: newborn
bottles: 3 oz. every 3 hours
Little things about Harlow.....
-she naps like a pro! usually 2-3 hours long, several times a day, awake for an hour in between
-wakes up once during the night to eat and falls right back to sleep (in a mini crib next to our bed)
-calms to the sound of mommy's voice (I sing "A Thousand Years by Christina Perri to her)
-her longest cry has been about 5 minutes long
-she likes laying on the floor looking out the window or at the TV
-she has been smiling, or at least trying to, for about 2 weeks
-every once in awhile she'll make an "oh" or "ah" sound
-she still likes the (stupid) Avent do-do (pacifier)
-she handles Paxton's rough squeezes and too tight hugs
-she sleeps best at night when swaddled
-she makes a grunting noise, when she's eating, trying to burp, and while sleeping. I call her "Grunter"
-whether she's tired or not, she'll fall asleep with the white noise machine on
-her Daddy calls her "Tootsie" (which prompts Hudson to want a tootsie roll every time he hears it!)
-she likes getting her diaper changed and getting dressed
-Mommy thinks she's the most beautiful girl EVER! Seriously.

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