Tuesday, March 18, 2014

swimming with these fools

It had been a while since we've gone to the local indoor pool with all three kids, so last weekend that's just what we did. They all love swimming and they're at an age/height that we can let the boys pretty much roam free (in the area they know they can touch) while one of us wrestles with Harlow. She can't touch anywhere quite yet and boy that frustrates her! Thankfully they have a slide that she LOVES going down and does so about a hundred times. She's by far our most fearless child as she has never cared about going under the water, has never been nervous about the slide, and would dive right in if we let her. 
These two have made leaps and bounds in their water/swimming skills! Jumping in, diving for diving sticks, flying down the slide without mom or dad waiting at the end, floating on balls far into the deep. They're fun to watch and I'm afraid they might be a little bored with swimming lessons next time around.
They wanted to show me their muscles.....ha! Scrawniest arms I ever did see!
This is usually what I'm dealing with when I ask them to stand for a picture together. For some reason, when I ask Harlow to look at the camera, her entire body tilts. And Pax always has a silly face to show me. I always beg for one nice smile and then they can be the silliest of silly if they want to.
He recently learned how to cross his eyes (taught by his mama) and it's his greatest trick.
This was hilarious because Hudson didn't even realize Harlow's hands were forcing his smile even bigger. I literally almost peed my pants.
And big brother loved it!
These two will give us a run for our money I'm afraid! The older Harlow gets, the more trouble these two get into. They are rambunctious, non-thinkers with a "just do it" attitude and the possible outcomes of their actions scares this mama. But man do they have fun!

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