Thursday, January 8, 2009

Peaches, peas, and prunes....oh my!

I have been eating lots of vegetables and fruits. I've tried peas, green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, peaches, bananas, and prunes (Mom made me have the prunes so I would go poopy!). Here, Auntie Vicky is feeding me prunes and Dad is laughing at me because he thinks they're gross! Mommy doesn't know what to do with me because I don't like my vegetables anymore. I gag on peas and green beans!! Yuck! Give me the sweet stuff!

1 comment:

Briggs said...

Candon hates peas too! But he looooves prunes! They don't really make him poo though, pears seem to do that more. It's so fun that they eat food now! Have you tried cheerios yet?