Saturday, January 31, 2009

Stink Butt

I think I'm getting my 3rd tooth, this one is on the top! Its giving me some unfortunate side effects...........diarrhea!!! Mom said it was the worst smell ever! She didn't even want to hold me too close. And to make it worse, I went 3 times in a row!! Mom says "Quit wasting diapers, they aren't cheap!" Hey, its not my fault, getting teeth does crazy things! Daddy took this picture but from a distance, he gags!! Wimp! Now they call me "Stink Butt". How rude!


Ryan, Liz Regan and Sidney said...

Cute name, Sidney goes by "stinky butt" or "stinky pants" everyday!! We wonder how she'll be when teeth arrive for her :)

Kari Wendinger said...

He is too cute!

Briggs said...

Candon's top two were very difficult too. Stinky butts and rosey red cheeks! He didn't sleep very well either, up like 3 times a night or more! Luckily there's only 2 big ones!