Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Poor Baby

I am officially sick. Mom and Grandma took me to the doctor yesterday and I have PNEUMONIA and an EAR INFECTION!!! My mom couldn't believe it. She promised she was taking me just to be safe, incase I had an ear infection. She didn't tell me I'd really be sick! I'm taking an antibiotic and Tylenol so I'm doing okay. I get tired and I'm not too hungry, but I still smile at Mommy and want to play and snuggle. And I must be really special because my mom took off work to stay home with me today. We've been cuddling, playing a little, and I still got t0 take a bath. Mom said it would feel good to be in the warm bathtub, and just for minute, I forgot I was even sick. So don't worry about me, I'll be back to normal really soon so you can all see my smiling face again!

1 comment:

Ryan, Liz Regan and Sidney said...

So sorry!!! We'll be keeping our distance until he's feeling all better; hopefully that will be in no time at all :) Well wishes to you guys!