Saturday, May 22, 2010


We expected to see sun this morning, but all Hudson saw out the window was "raining out alot"! We still wanted to do something fun, so Mommy brought out the fingerpaints! Hudson had alot of fun making lots of paintings, and alot of mess! He's my boy though and knew he was messy and wanted to get all cleaned up when he was finished!

Who knew fingerpainting took so much concentration!?!?


Ryan, Liz Regan and Sidney said...

Oh my gosh! We are shocked!!! Clearly Cindy had no part of this painting episode! Hudson needs to come spend a weekend with us, we'd paint, play with play-do and make a complete mess while eating! He'd have a BLAST!!!

Hudson and Paxton said...

I'm not so sure he would. He was completely aware that his hands were dirty the entire time he was painting! He kept saying, "clean em' when all done" just for my reassurance that yes, we were going to get his hands clean again!