Saturday, October 16, 2010

Football Game!!

We went to cousin Dusty's Nicollet High School football game and Hudson was so excited! He talked about it all day! I told him he had to wait for the moon to come out before we could go, then he found the moon at 4:30! So I told him he had to wait until the stars came out! He got a blue football painted on his hand which he loved showing off, especially because it was his favorite color! He was simply fascinated by the big kettle corn machine and watched them make batch after batch. Daddy and him played their own football game and he ran the ball in for a touchdown, after a few fumbles of course! And to top it all off, it was homecoming so there was a mini-parade at halftime! Hudson was in his glory!

And Paxton snuggled in tight with Grandma Sharon to keep warm. He eventually fell asleep and Grandma Sharon wanted to take him home with her, but Hudson was quick to tell her that "Baby Brother needed to go home to Hudsy's house"!
The Nicollet Raiders won the game 47-0! Great game Dusty!

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