Saturday, October 23, 2010

Potty Training Day #1= Success....

But don't get too excited just yet! Hudson went on the toilet every 25 minutes today (we even set a timer!) but he never actually went in the toilet. I'm still calling it a successful day because we started with screaming, crying, and resisting kicks....but we ended the day with a 2 year old boy who somewhat enjoyed sitting on the toilet but still hasn't bought into actually peeing in it. So, tomorrow is another day and we'll give it another shot.

Hudson's new "Potty Chart". He gets to put a sticker in a square every time he goes potty on the toilet (either the big toilet or the truck potty chair). When he earns 10 stickers, he gets to buy a new toy truck!!!

1 comment:

Ryan, Liz Regan and Sidney said...

Good luck guys! Trust me, all the heartache and cleaning up is soooo very worth it in the end. Patience!!