Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Camping 2012

Since we missed our annual camping trip over Memorial Day weekend, we went as a family last weekend. The trip was cut short by the storm that went through on Friday night, and poor Daddy was stuck camping alone while the boys and I held out until Saturday morning. I was too afraid the camper would blow away in the "damaging winds and golf ball sized hail". So the fun started on Saturday with lunch in the camper, then headed to the waterpark, and back for supper and a fire. You'll notice there aren't many pictures of Hudson. He LOVES camping, and is far too busy having the time of his life to stop for any pictures!
Lunch in the camper.
 At the waterpark. He's got the greatest smile.....really!?!?! I long for the day that I ask for smiles and actually get a GOOD, genuine smile.
 Hudson showing off his swimming skills. He's a pro with those wings on.
 Snack time at the pool.
 Pax and Daddy by the fire.
 At the park, they'd fly down the slides so fast I couldn't get my camera to catch them in time.
 The cousins stopped by for a quick visit; front row- Pax, Bryce, (friend Mitchell), and Hudson, back row-Morgan, Alyssa, Declyn, and Kendra.
 They asked to do a silly one as well, and it was amazing how fast they were all able to transform themselves into this....
 Hudson made it is job to stock the dump truck with wood for Daddy's fire.
 Daddy popped popcorn over the fire, and it was at that time when Hudson declared this to be "the best day ever"!!!
 But with all those fun activities, I still think just hanging out in the camper is their favorite thing to do. Dad says he could just pull the camper into our backyard and they'd love it just as much. Probably true.
And this princess stayed home with Grandma. She sent me this picture of her while on a walk. While we were gone, Hudson asked me, "Do you miss Sister?", and I sure did!

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