Wednesday, August 8, 2012

three months

Harlow is three months old- August 8, 2012.

At three months old......
weight: 11 lbs (according to home scale)
length: 23 inches (stretched!)
diaper size: size 1
clothes: mostly newborn, 3 month if their small or shrunken (bottoms are still huge)
bottles: 4 oz. every 3 hours
Little things about Harlow.....
-she is a nighttime sleeper, down between 9:30-10:30pm until about 7:00am (sometimes later), then back to sleep until 10:30am (sometimes later)
-daytime naps have been cut shorter, she takes more often cat naps
-loves her playmat and will quickly let you know when the lights turn off by making whiny noises, and she also bats at the hanging toys
-she wants to eat every 3 hours but doesn't really care about it when she is, sometimes even spitting the bottle out after half gone, but will eventually finish it
-no rolling yet but she tries, and can scoot herself around in all directions
-still being swaddled at night, and when those arms come loose, she immediately wakes up
-likes to sit in the Bumbo chair and watch anything I'm doing
-will be held by anyone unless she's tired, then only wants her mama
-tolerating the swing a little better and has actually fallen asleep in it a few times
-smiles very easily, and sometimes so big she coughs, no giggles yet though
-I'm convinced she likes watching the Olympics on TV
-grabs and chews on the hanging toys in her carseat
-got her first stuffy nose
-figured out she's a great car rider unless someone is sitting next to her, then she gets frustrated and wants out
-gets her toenails polished while she's asleep :)
-she might have a big ego because I tell her just how beautiful she is several times a day!

1 comment:

The Kvilhaug's said...

Ashley, she is simply gorgeous!!!! You have such beautiful kiddos!