Thursday, June 19, 2014

yard clean-up

After the big storm this past weekend, we had a couple large tree limbs down and lots and lots of smaller branches. The daddy and kids started the clean up process while the mom was still at work (yippee!!) and when I got home, it was fun to see them all working together in the backyard. 

Hudson thought he was helping by chopping up the large branches, but in reality he was actually making more of a mess, sending bark flying all over the place. I let him at it for awhile because he thought he was pretty tough, swinging that "hammer" with his big muscles. You can almost see them there in his upper bicep, ha!!
Paxton, a.k.a. mini-Jamie, grabbed his chainsaw and went to work on some bigger branches. Note the ever present concentrating tongue out. He loves wearing those headphones, he listens to music and he's even MORE oblivious to the world around him than he normally is, which is pretty hard to beat! (Also, please don't judge the boys for wearing socks with their Crocs. Daycare requires them to wear socks everyday, but both boys still LOVE their Crocs, so this will be their style Monday-Thursday this summer. Live with it Hunter!)
We have a row of peonies in the backyard that Jamie has been begging to dig up so he can plant asparagus. I love how the flowers look so I've always said no, but realizing that the flowers only last about a week, and the whole family LOVES asparagus, I finally gave in and Jamie started digging immediately. And where there's mud, there's Harlow!
A bath was a necessity after all of their dirty work. I wish I would have gotten a picture of Harlow before I put her in the tub. She was literally mud from head to toe! 

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