Monday, May 18, 2015

Track and Field

Hudson had his first and only track and field meet last weekend. It was a 2 week program with several practices that finished off with a meet. Hudson didn't ever admit that he really, really liked it, but I think he did. With sports, I have yet to find something that Hudson "really, really likes". He's usually indifferent, or just plain doesn't like it. But I've told him I'd like him to try everything and if he decides it's not for him then he doesn't have to do it again. But I do feel track and field is one of his favorites, and something he can say he is "good" at. He's a fast runner, maybe it has something to do with his tongue hanging out the entire time he's running? Ha! Seriously, the thing never goes back into his mouth! At this meet, he got 2nd place in the 200 meter dash, which almost took him out! He was out of breath at the finish line, poor little thing couldn't even talk! He got 3rd place in the 50 meter dash and long jump, and a 5th place in the softball throw (but if you ask him he got 4th place, and we'll just let him believe that). He was proud of his 2nd and 3rd place ribbons, not so much of the 5th place/participation ribbon. But I reminded him that participation meant that he tried his best at something that isn't easy for him. And that green (participation color) is his mom's favorite color!

He had some of his best buddies competing with him, Landon and Owen.

We're proud of those ribbons! Proud that he tried his best and had fun doing it. Honestly, with this boy, the fact that he enjoyed it and had fun in a sport means so much more than any ribbon could!

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