Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hudson is 7

(Pictures of Hudson's friend party and family party to follow....eventually.) could I possibly have a 7 year old?? Seems just unreal. But with that said, this seven year old is one mature dude. He can take care of himself, find solutions to problems, debate issues and love deep. He's self sufficient and I find myself being so proud to call him my son. And now with that said, he has a mouth on him and uses it for the worst. He can argue, talk back, use curse words (the worst!), and even though he has that maturity, he still finds words like butt, poop, and fart to be the funniest words in the English language and nothing is more irritating, especially with a 5 year old brother that feeds right into it. But I love this kid and he's seriously awesome to have around. I know he'll be smarter than me one day, if he isn't already, and I'm honored to be his mom.
I took the day off on his birthday hoping we could fill the day with fun things of his choice. Of course first on his list was opening presents. He knew they were hiding in my closet and offered to bring them down himself. He thought of using the step stool upside down all by to problems!

He was also kind enough to let his brother and sister help open a few.

The three kids and I went to the matinee showing of Inside Out, great movie! We all really liked it, and I LOVED it! I think its the perfect movie for young girls too. Lots of understanding on how our many emotions work. Highly recommend it! After the movie, the cloud parted and the sun kind of came out, so we headed to Flandrau. I snapped this picture because thats all these two think about....snacking!

And all birthdays end at Happy Joe's for pizza....ah.....I mean games! I'd be ashamed to admit how much money Hudson spent on playing games. He's saving tickets to buy some lava lamp thingy he really wants but will be 10 years old before he earns enough to get it. And even at 7 years old, he still plugs his ears while the horn and sirens blow in his honor.

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