Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Angels baseball

Hudson completed his first year of baseball over the weekend. He was on the Angels team with a few friends, two cousins, and a few kids he got to know. We went into the year almost forcing him to play. He knows my rule is that we try everything and if you don't like it you don't have to do it again next year, but you try and you finish. Well, even I thought about going against my rules after the first practice. He didn't want to go, he certainly didn't have the natural talent, and I could tell he didn't enjoy it. I remember calling my mom from practice feeling like a bad mom for even making him try. But after that first day, he didn't question if he had to keep going, he just did. Sometimes he wasn't happy about it, and he definitely complained, but he kept going.....and he improved! He improved a lot! The first few games he struck out at every bat, then all of a sudden he got a hit, and the hits kept coming! His fielding and throwing still needs some work. Every once in a while I had to give him a "pep talk/make threats" that if I saw him playing in the dirt one more time he would not get a treat after the game. It usually worked. He would still never admit that he liked it, or that he had fun, but I can tell he did, at least a little bit. And I am more than proud that he kept with it. And even that he made statements about "next year".

The cousins; Hudson, Alec, and Alex.

It was all their idea to pose like this.

And this was my idea. How cute are they!?!?! Hudson usually had his jersey tucked in during the games, as it was waaaaay too big, but it was so hot I told him he could leave it untucked because he'd probably be cooler. Just an FYI :)

The Angels team (kindergartners and 1st graders) and their coaches.

Checking out the cool medals. Hudson is the second one on the left.

Alec and Hudson with a couple of their biggest fans. And when I say "fans", I mean they spent most of their time playing at the playground and eating snacks from the concession stand.

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