Saturday, August 23, 2008

My first State Fair

I had a blast at the Minnesota State Fair....and Grandma was worried I'd be a monster! I showed her! I loved looking around at all the people, food, and lights. I had my first experience in the the Baby Bjorn, it was nice being carried around so close to Mommy. And when I wasn't in there, everyone else took turns holding me. I love being spoiled!! Zevlen gave me my first taste of ketchup on a french fry. Mom said he was naughty. I'm still not sure if I liked it or not. Uncle Lon carried me around like a football when I was crabby. As long as he kept moving I liked it. My cousin Regan went to see the biggest piggy. She loved her ears! I got some too but only wore them for a second. I barely slept all day long, only a couple cat naps! I was a tired boy by the end of the night, slept the whole way home, and then all the way until 7:00am!!! Mom says she wants to take me to the fair everyday! ;-)

1 comment:

Briggs said...

Yea for sleeping! I knew he could do it! Did you check on him a couple times to make sure he was ok? :)