Friday, July 6, 2012

4 year stats...

 Hudson had his 4 year doctor appointment today, and I know I say it every time, but I was so proud of him. To say he loves it at the doctor is putting it mildly. Both boys do, Pax even had to come with, and he gave Dr. Frani his sad, puppy dog eyes so she'd check him too! Hudson is a healthy, not growing quite so much, little boy. He weighs 34 lbs, which is in the 30th percentile, and is 39 inches tall, only the 21st percentile. Quite the shrimp, and so far, unfortunately taking after his mom. He hopped up on the bed and let Dr. Frani check him over, as always, reminding her of anything she might forget to check. And when she pushed on his tummy he told her, "Well, me and Packy did have one chocolate bar before we came." She giggled and assured him that one chocolate bar a day is okay, and then told him she felt right where it was in his tummy. The boys sure make trips to the doctor's office fun!

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