Wednesday, July 11, 2012

our mini-vacation

Monday afternoon we spent at the Como Zoo where the boys had a BLAST on the rides!! They rode over and over again, even with the heat and their red, rosy cheeks! Maddi even met us for awhile and we walked through to see the animals.

 I love the expressions caught in this picture! They were a little nervous for this ride at first, but both really enjoyed it.
 Harlow kept cool in the stroller.
 But came out for awhile to eat and enjoy the shade.
 We spent the night in a hotel and since the boys can both swim with water wings, Grandma and I were able to handle them in the pool while sister napped in her carseat.
 It was her first time at a hotel and I think she liked it. She got to sleep in a big bed with Mommy, and she slept from 10:00pm-8:30am. Such a good girl!
 Then on Tuesday we went to Nickelodeon Universe where the boys rode the rides like crazy again.

 And this time they really liked the frog hopper one! Screamed and laughed out loud!
Again, Harlow's first trip to the Mall of America.
 We ate at the Rainforest Cafe. Sure was an experience for the boys. Thunder and lightning, crazy monkeys, and chomping alligators! Paxton was so funny. He loved it, but had to sit on my lap nearly the whole time. He kept saying, "Mommy, that monkey keeps lookin' at me. He's lookin' at my face." It was hilarious, and he was convinced that a monkey was staring him down!
 These two fit right in to the noisy jungle!
Thank you Grandma!! For taking us on a great mini-vacation! We all had so much fun and its a blessing to watch the boys make such wonderful memories together.

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