Wednesday, December 26, 2012

christmas eve 2012

Christmas Eve proved to be a wonderful night, filled with food, wine, gifts, and most importantly family. With 3 kids in tow, we got through church smoothly. Harlow drank a bottle, ate nearly an entire container of puffs, and loved looking at the lights and singing along to the songs. Paxton did have an entire king size bag of Skittles, and Hudson talked Grandma's ear off the whole hour. After mass, we headed home to open A LOT of presents from Grandma and Grandpa!!
Our family of five.
 The kids are blessed with wonderful grandparents.
 This princess enjoyed her first Christmas Eve celebration and looked pretty too.
 Like I said, a lot of gifts! Hudson ripped into them in seconds, he couldn't get enough!
 Pax on the other hand, decided to watch a movie instead. I tried to entice him by bringing him a present to open...he opened, said thank you, and went back to his movie.
 Harlow liked getting in on the action. She'd open anything as long as she could eat the paper afterwards.
 Grandpa brought BIG presents!! A huge combine and a huge semi.
 And I'll leave you with just one more of this beauty, and her tongue.

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